CoBee's Floral - Flowood & Brandon, MS Florist for Bouquets & Flower Delivery

Valentine's Day


Make Your Valentine a Priority, Plan Early!

Treat your loved one with elegant, bold and beautiful roses for Valentine’s Day.  

Choose from a dozen, half dozen and two dozen roses. Color selections are Pink or Red. 

Price is $75 for a half dozen, $110 for a dozen, and $200 for two dozen. We are also pleased to offer our CoBee’s Signature Love Bouquet, Deluxe is $85 and Premium is $150. This beautiful showy arrangement features red or pink roses, along with a variety of other complimentary flowers. Also added to our offering is the Blush and Bashful Bouquet for $95. All arrangements will be mixed with an assortment of beautiful greenery. 

Delivery or Pick-up options available. 

Don’t see what you are looking for? Please call 769-229-1820 and speak to our designer directly.

Delivery Fee is $12 • Standard tax will be added

Thank you for choosing CoBee’s Floral, we appreciate your business! 

Two Dozen
Signature Love Bouquet
Blush & Bashful

Questions for our Floral Designers or ready to make a purchase?

Please give us a call to discuss any questions you may have. At CoBee’s Floral, we want your floral design and/or event to be unique, and well thought out. We are delighted that you have chosen us for your special occasion. We look forward to creating your customized Blooms by Design. We are a full-service Florist serving the surrounding areas of Jackson, Flowood, Brandon, Madison, Carthage, Pisgah, and all of Rankin and Madison County.

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